Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ryn decided that it was time for her to have her very own 4 wheeler! Now deciding between the Pink Princess one or the Purple Tinker Bell one was very serious matter. At the store she had to sit, touch and ride each one. She would have been happy to take both, but daddy made her choose. She told him that she need to have two of them so she could share one with him . . . . . it was a very good try! I am glad to say that Tinker Bell won! Ryn was been cruising all over the neighborhood. She has even taught herself a few tricks, like kicking her feet up on the handle bars, kneeling on the seat and even standing up will cruising . . . very talented! When it is time to come in for the night she parks her 4 wheeler right next to daddy's in the garage . . . she said that is so daddy's 4 wheeler isn't scared at night :)


The Montys said...

Oh my hell that's cute!

Jill Knotwell said...

I would really hate for Cam's 4 wheeler to be lonely too. Aren't kids so much fun to spoil?

Jess said...

I like the sharing scheme! And she told me she wasn't smart! Bluffing I see. :)

Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

She couldnt get any cuter!! Holden and her will have to go cruisin on there four wheelers!!

Jen said...

Lucky girl! Now I need to get one for Madi and Zach.